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On authenticity

Writer: Ann BeyAnn Bey

People buy into things based on how well something is described, the claims that are made about said item [person], and most deceptively, the picture that is painted [the photograph]. I'm talking about real life here so don't miss this. 

I honestly don't know who needs this but I hope my simplistic & authentic style will help you, so here goes.

My sisters, mothers, aunts, and cousins, stop buying into social media marketing hype. People are out here living lives that aren't caught in the lens of a camera and when you come to find out the pictures were good but the hype was just a great marketing campaign, you end up disappointed.  

Everyone is selling the idea that your life can be great if you just buy into their $997 program that is being offered right now for ONLY $19 if you sign up before midnight.

Well I'm here to tell you, some people are good at marketing and the objective is to get you to join a group which has thousands of members. You will have access to tons of prerecorded video teachings and you never get the option to speak with the coach unless you sign up for their individual coaching services that will cost you about $5K.

Dont misunderstand me, I'm not saying that high performance coaches are not worth every penny they charge, but if you're still trying to navigate simply finding the energy and desire to get out of bed every morning as a result of having low self-esteem, you are probably not ready for the intense training that would come along with that type of coaching.

The message here is that your life can be great with or without a paid coaching plan however, it only gets better when you take the required steps to make it happen. Therefore, it doesn't matter whether you pay $19 or $997 change happens when work happens.

Every life coach is teaching the same things; concepts. The work however looks very different for each client. The encouragement needed is different for every person and that is where hiring a life coach can get tricky.

The purpose for enrolling in a life coaching program is to help you set and accomplish goals that you aren't otherwise able to achieve flying solo. Having someone to assist you along the line of lasering in on patterns of

💫 negative beliefs

💫 faulty thinking

💫 dysfunctional behaviors

💫 lethargic planning

💫 slothful goal achievement can be detrimental to achieving and maintaining a positive outlook.

Rest assured, I've been in that space. So moving forward, this is what I want for you. In 2023 I want you to finally stop fooling yourself into believing that everyone on their socials are happy, in charge , & living their best life! Prepare yourself to 

💥 Discover what's been holding you hostage to repeated setbacks

💥 Align your thoughts to echo your hearts desires

💥 Program your lips to use birthing language  

💥 Strategize a plan of action

💥 Implement corrective measures for accountability

💥 Secure a genuine presence in your personal life

How can you get ALL of this accomplished? By enrolling in Diamond by Design Coaching where we tailor your services to fit your specific needs based on your desired goals and expected outcome.

If you're sick of unsubscribing from email lists after being bombarded with email campaigns, all because you signed up to receive information containing guaranteed steps to achieve the life you dreamed of, your real resolution started when you reached this portion of my blog.

You can receive a FREE consultation to discover how you might best be served by Diamond by Design Coaching & Consulting where the only guarantee you will receive is that if you promise to work hard For you, we will work just as hard With you on your journey.

While you're there, be sure to register for the 5th Annual SMAC Talk Huddle where you will meet a dynamic group of women who's focus is to affirm, confim, mold, and motivate you to live a life of genuine joy and peace so that you can fulfill your purpose in life.

Be sure to follow me on all my socials to stay up to date with what's going on in the world of SMAC Talk



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